Foodee HQ

Why support local restaurants?

Back in January, we wrote a post on why eating local food is good for you, your community and your planet. Today, we’re taking this one step further—and closer to what we offer here at Foodee—by looking at the importance of supporting local, owner-operated restaurants.

12 ways to go green in your office

Have you ever wanted to do something for the planet, but feel like anything you do is too small or insignificant to make an impact? You might be the queen (or king) of your green castle at home with compost bins and organic gardens, but what about your office? Can they go green—or even more so?

We’re Adding Flavour To Our Foodee Rewards Program

Let’s face it. We all love collecting points. When deciding which local cafe to support, I often frequent the one with a free coffee punch card. And why not? Order with Foodee, support local and get rewarded for it.

6 occasions for team meals—and where to order in Atlanta

A last-minute breakfast meeting. The boss is in town and wants to host a lunch. A colleague announced it’s their birthday. Your team decided to throw an after-work party. There are always so many reasons and occasions to order food for the office.

10 back to work tips for fall

Back to work, back to school, back to business. Yesterday’s long summer days seem like a far-gone dream compared to your buzzing office. Work is piling up and you’re in meeting after meeting with little time to get anything done.

Snack on this: Top 6 food podcasts

Food-related content has never been hotter. “How to cook that” is now a top 10 search phrase on YouTube. There are countless new Netflix food docuseries, hundreds of beautifully-photographed cookbooks coming out every year, thousands of food bloggers, millions of online recipes and Instagram food pics and, of course, food podcasts.